Post by grandpa4711 on Jul 7, 2016 5:54:27 GMT
Heyho !
Post by grandpa4711 on Jul 8, 2016 21:27:26 GMT
Plan for sunday, July 10th 2016
Crew 1 = Loberines Crew (Lob, Becko, L2rs, Silver Arrow, Naud, Diromo) Crew 2 = Opposing Crew (everybody else except Rushki)
General Preparations:
Personal: Please print out this description, read it carefully and mark your instructions with a textmarker. Put it in front of you on sunday. Prepare for waiting times again, so choose something to do nearby. Remind yourself not to jump while running. Always try to simulate reality. Avoid dark sunglasses please.
All: Avoid damaging things or pedestrians around the set before recording please. Be very careful with everything. It is not allowed to destroy anything in the lobby during the waiting times.
Rushki is asked to coordinate the preparation of the locations with the members which are not busy. Rushki is the only person who remains at the set before the videoshooting. All other people leave the set please if you are not asked to be there or if you do not help to equip it like requested below:
1. Heliport in the city: 2 Froggers, 1 Bussard, 1 Jetsam, 2 other helis (not the CEO Heli). Two of the Update-Vans at the parking lot, 2 sportscars (no supers).
2. Sandy Shores: Please prepare 5 containers stapled in front of the hangar, in the middle between the hangar and the helis. Place a Titan on the runway (ready to leave) 100 metres from the containers. Make sure two helis stand at the side where they always stand. Choose a CEO-Heli and a Passenger-Heli, unarmored. Place two jets inside the hangar. Place 2 Cargobobs at the other end of the Runway.
3. LSIA Airport: Place a line of 10-12 Supercars and Sportscars next to the hangar (titan-mission-hangar) to the left. Place a Brigade in front of the entrance of the hangar. The Jetsam will let the container down behind it. Place the new CEO Learjet in front of the hangar, right side. Avoid to put it too much to the side. Put something interesting into the hangar, e.g. bikes, a carcollection, boat-trailers, arrange them.
4. Yacht: we will need the towboat and the CEO-Update-boats.
Crew 1: Choose the clothes you wore last sunday
Crew 2: Choose an individual evening dress and wear collars, watches etc. to show that you prepared yourself for a party or theater etc. Please prefer the CEO-update-clothes and make sure that not everybody is wearing the same clothes. Because of course the update-clothes are limited.
Crew 1: One member of the Frogger Crew picks an oldstyled machine-gun, big rectangular magazine
Crew 2: One female member of the Crew picks an oldstyled machine-gun, round magazine
Everybody else: Choose an oldstyled shotgun, double-barreled or not, or a heavy Revolver
All: Make sure that you set up the weapon to hold it in your hands with one hit on the key.
All: If necessary you might want to visit Ammunation to make your weapons style fit to your evening outfit in a best way.
All cars: intact window glass, all lights intact, no scratches. Everybody move cars and air-vehicles very very carefully.
Crew 2: Please prefer CEO-Update supercars for approaching Sandy Shores and enlighten the set (see below).
Description and instructions for the actors/crews:
1. At the Heliport/Flight to Sandy Shores
Crew 1 is starting from the heliport in the city like we did last sunday. We will overfly the Vinewood Sign again, in the sunset. The intention of the flight is to stay closely together this time, what we didn't manage to do last sunday. I want to record the inside of the helicopters. Therefor it will be necessary to stay very close (50 metres) together while we fly. Fly together like you did it with the vans in the city before. I propose a triangle formation for this flight, with the Jetsam in front. I myself will change positions during the flight to get more angels. When we overfly the Vinewood sign you divide the formation like you did on sunday. You can see it in the last Teaser. Behind the hill, where the attack took place, the Frogger and the Bussard hook up with the Jetsam again and fly to Sandy Shores in their formation.
We will not record the attack from Crew 2 at the Vinewood-Signal again to save time. The main attack will take place in Sandy Shores, so the material we recorded last sunday is enough.
We will practise flying closely, dividing around the hill and hooking up again. I will also show you the line you should fly to come in at Sandy Shores: fly over the Runway like you would do it with a plane for landing it.
We will then inspect the prepared set and make a simulation of the situation explained below. Crew 1 then flies back to the city and we start recording at sunset.
2. In Sandy Shores
Instructions for Crew 1, especially Frogger-Team: Overfly the runway in formation. Land the Frogger carefully and slowly where i will show you. The froggerteam is the groundteam. Pick your weapon and walk to the containers to protect your team against attackers from the ground. Take cover behind the containers during the fight and try not to hit the supercars. Fight the cops when they arrive. When the Jetsam has picked up the second container and is ready to leave, run to your Frogger. Before you enter it turn around and show an animation of your choice to Crew 2. Then enter the Frogger and leave with the other helis in formation again. Fly over the runway until it's end and go for LSIA.
Instructions for Crew 2: Arrive in your supercars (some one, some two persons in a car) when Crew 1 has arrived at the hangar. Drive closely together! Make sure you have many copcars and helis behind you (3-4 stars), but: Try to achieve the most possible distance between you and the cops before you drive in closely together.
Place your cars like we will practise it - in a semi-circle around the containers and between you and the arriving cops. Switch on the full light of your cars, get out, pick your weapon, hide behind your cars and begin to attack Crew 1.
When the police arrives and shoots at you show that you are forced to change your position and hide in front of your cars. Shoot the cops, sometimes shoot the Jetsam and the Frogger-Team on the ground. Do not shoot the Bussard because the pilot is helping you by shooting down the cop-helis and bombing the copcars. Do also not shoot the Frogger-Team anymore.
When Crew 1 leaves the place with their helicopters stay in place and go on fighting the police please. If necessary use snipers to shoot cophelis because you will not be shown while holding position. After Loberine placed a container between you and the cops give him a thumbsup while he is flying away.
Instructions for the Jetsam-Pilot: When Team Frogger is near the containers and Crew 2 has enlightened the set with their cars and the police has arrived (see below), the Jetsam-Pilot slowly begins to lift the first container on the top of the staple and puts it to the ground nearby. Then fly back on the runway only 50 metres to give the air around the containers free for the bussard. When the Bussard shot down some helis and cars slowly pick up the container which you made accessible. Stay low with the container on the hook. Before you leave the airfield via the runway again make sure that the Frogger-Team entered their heli and is ready for the take-off in formation. Fly over the complete runway in formation and go for LSIA.
Instructions for the Bussard-Team: Don't shoot Crew 2 and don't shoot any supercar. Hold an overview over the situation and stay closely near the containers. Let the Jetsam pick up the first container and let him place it to the ground. Let him time to give the airspace over the containers free for your attack. Fly across the containers in a cool sidemove and bomb away some copcars. Whenever a helicopter is near (50-100 metres), blow it up. After 6-8 successful shots give the airspace free for the Jetsam again. When the Jetsam has picked up the second container follow him in formation. Fly over the Runway.
Loberine notices two Cargobobs at the end of the runway. The Bussard leaves the formation, lands near the Cargobobs, Loberine climbs into the Cargobob, flys back, picks up a container and places it between the cars and the hiding Crew 2 and the cops. After this he leaves over the runway.
----------- After that we will have a pause, Crew 2 is asked to drive their cars to LSIA and place it on the right side of the hangar in a line, with intact windows and without scratches. Crew 1 flies to the airport to record the landing scene after the pause. -----------
3. At LSIA
Atmosphere: mechanics and people in working clothes in the background. The sun is rising.
The Bussard and the CEO-Heli are landing carefully and slowly in front of the supercars. Try to land simultaneously and face the helis in direction of the Brigade.
Walk to the Brigade slowly and hold a distance like in reality to watch the Jetsam slowly placing the container on the ground. Give him a thumbsup when he did it. After placing the container behind the Brigade the Jetsam lands slowly next to the two other helis, faced in the same direction. The Jetsam-Crew walks to their Crew-Members. They all stand there faced to the container for a moment without any action. Cut. Then they walk into the hangar, side by side in a line, showing cool animations of success. (They do that every day so its not a very big deal for them.)
We will practise the scene before. Crew 2 - members can play mechanics and working people in the hangar if they change their haircut or take a hat or something. Rushki appears in that scene as a worker in the hangar. Give a wave-animation to the Crew while they walk into the hangar.
-------------------------------------------- Scene not for sunday: Loberine walks through a full storage and walks to the special items (so far i recorded the diamond and the golden pocket watch). He uses the table to arrange the vehicles. He uses the computer in his office to write a message to Crew 2. He invites them to the Yacht-Party this evening.
4. On the GTV8-Yacht
It is the late afternoon. Loberine and his Crew-Members are in the bar, they are drinking, the barlady is shown. Two little dance-scenes are shown, one homo- and one heteroerotic.
Crew 2 enters the Yacht after approaching from the sea (boat-jump-scenes, waves etc.). They are wearing their evening dresses again and they are armored. They sneak up to the bar and enter at once. They hold Crew 1 at gunpoint.
Crew 1 takes out weapons too. A still-scene, nobody moves, everybody is ready to die.
It is Loberine who drops his weapon and waves to the incoming crew. It is just a joke, he invited them. He won new friends by helping them with the police at Sandy Shores.
Pool-Party in the sunset, Fireworks with moon, a hydra comes in to dance on its wings next to the pool. The tow-boat is honking.
End of the story
Post by grandpa4711 on Jul 9, 2016 20:05:13 GMT
Because it was requested a little description in german language:
Dies am besten Ausdrucken und am Sonntag Abend auf den Tisch legen. Bitte nichts in der Lobby kaputt machen, auf nix schießen wenn wir nicht drehen, nicht mit Autos herumfahren und keinen Schaden in der Gegend hinterlassen et cetera. Bitte auf dunkle Sonnenbrillen verzichten und darauf achten, beim Laufen nicht zu springen. Möglichst die Realität simulieren.
Während Loberines Crew (Crew 1) vom innerstädtischen Heli-Flugplatz den Flug nach Sandy Shores in Formation übt, treffen sich alle anderen in der Nähe des Flugplatzes in Sandy Shores mit den Supercars des Updates. Schaut, daß ihr alle neuen Fahrzeuge zeigen könnt und tragt Abendkleider. Als Waffen wählt Schrotgewehre, einfach oder doppelläufig, oder schwere Revolver. Legt sie euch obenauf, damit ihr sie direkt in der Hand habt und merkt euch die Nummer, die ihr drücken müßt. (Ich müßte das wenigstens, an der Tastatur.)
In Sandy Shores wird die erste neue Szene gedreht. Wir werden dort einen Stapel Container haben, in dem ein Schatz versteckt ist. Loberines Crew wird mit den Helis bei Nacht dort ankommen. Sie fliegen bei Sonnenuntergang in der Stadt los. Sie werden langsam über die Runway zum Hangar in Sandy Shores fliegen.
Während sie dort ankommen fahren alle anderen in enger Formation und nicht zu schnell über die Straße heran an den Set. Ihr seid alle die Angreifer, die gegnerische Crew (Crew 2). Ihr bildet mit den Autos einen Halbkreis um die Container und strahlt sie mit Fernlicht an. Auf diese Weise wird der Ort ausgeleuchtet, wir werden das also vorher besser üben.
Ihr müßt es schaffen, 4 Sterne mitzubringen und einen Haufen Bullen am Hals zu haben. Sie sollten Euch aber nicht direkt auf dem Fuße folgen, sondern noch etwas Abstand haben, wenn das möglich ist.
Sobald Ihr den Halbkreis gebildet habt steigt Ihr aus und versteckt Euch hinter Euren Autos. Es werden 2 Mitglieder von Crew 1 hinter den Containern stehen. Liefert Euch mit ihnen ein kurzes Feuergefecht, aber verletzt sie nicht. Schießt auf den Jetsam und auf den Bussard, der einen Container hochheben und neben dem Stapel absetzen wird. Aber macht weder Insassen noch die Hubschrauber selber flugunfähig. Ein paar Schroteinschläge ins Metall sollte es aber geben. Vorsicht mit den schweren Revolvern, die haben ja ziemlich Kawums.
Nailfail soll bitte ein Maschinengewehr mit rundem Magazin (so ein oldstyle Teil) verwenden. Eines der beiden Mitglieder von Crew 1, die hinter dem Container stehen, wird ebenfalls ein Maschinengewehr verwenden. Setzt diese Maschinengewehre bitte vor allem gegen die herannahenden Polizisten ein und nailfail, schieß Du lieber nicht auf die Helikopter von Loberines Crew damit. Nicht daß sie kaputt gehen.
Sobald die Polizisten herannahen, wechselt Crew 2, die ja bisher hinter ihren Autos Deckung genommen hat, die Position. Ihr seid gezwungen, den Kampf mit Crew 1 aufzugeben und müßt nun vor Euren Autos in Deckung gehen, weil die Polizisten hinter euch auf der Straße ankommen.
Gemeinsam bekämpfen nun Crew 1 und 2 die Cops. Der Bussard wird die Helis abschießen und einige Polizeiautos hochjagen. Da die Reichweite der Schrotflinten gering ist, werden die Revolverhelden und die Maschinengewehrschützen das städtische Bodenpersonal töten, das herannaht.
Nachdem der Jetsam seinen Container eingesammelt hat (es ist der zweite Container, den er hochhebt), fliegen die drei Helis wieder ab, über die Runway. Haltet die Stellung gegen die Polizisten. Ihr könnt wenn nötig ein Scharfschützengewehr einsetzen, um Polizeipiloten auszuschalten, falls das nötig ist.
Loberine wird mit einem Cargobob zurückkommen und einen Container zwischen Euch und die Polizisten stellen, als Deckung für Euch. Gebt ihm ein Daumen-Hoch-Zeichen, wenn er dies tut oder wenn er wegfliegt.
…................................................ Danach ist etwas Pause. Die Crew 2 soll bitte danach ihre Supercars zum LSIA Airport bringen, wo sie aufgereiht werden. Im Hangar der Titan-Mission ist das Fahrzeuglager von Crew 1. Dafür benötigen wir die Autos. ...................................................
In der zweiten Szene am LSIA könnt Ihr unauffällig als Arbeiter unterwegs sein. Tragt Arbeitskleidung und eine Kappe oder Ähnliches, damit man Euch nicht erkennt. Der Jetsam wird den Container dort abliefern und Crew 1 wird es beobachten. Danach gehen sie in einer Linie in den Hangar und ihr alle gebt Zeichen des Gelingens, der Freude, winkt etc. ....................................................
Die dritte Szene spielt auf der Yacht. Ihr seid zu einer Party eingeladen worden von Loberine. Ihr seid ihm dankbar, daß er Euch geholfen habt und er hat Euch um einen Streich gebeten, um seine Crew zu verarschen: Ihr fahrt am Nachmittag in Sportbooten vom Meer kommend an die Yacht heran. Das könnten wir als Rennen filmen, wenn die Zeit reicht. Ihr steigt aus und klettert hoch auf die Yacht. Ihr tragt Abendkleider und haltet die Waffen gleichen Waffen wie oben in der Hand. Ihr geht in Richtung Bar, wo sich Loberines Crew aufhält. Wir werden eine Szene draußen und eine Szene drinnen drehen, die Euch beim Anschleichen zeigt.
Platzt dann in die Bar herein und bedroht die anderen mit der Waffe. Diese zücken ebenfalls die Waffen. Stellt Euch gegeneinander auf wie in einem Mafiafilm. Es ist dann einen Moment Stille, alle sind bereit zu sterben.
Loberine löst dann die Sache auf, indem er die Waffe wegsteckt, winkt und erklärt, daß es nur ein Joke ist. Er heißt Crew 2 herzlich willkommen, alle in Crew 2 stecken ihre Waffen weg und winken zur Begrüßung oder machen andere passende Zeichen. Crew 1 zeigt ihre Überraschung und daß sie Loberine für verrückt hält.
Es kommt dann die Schlußszene als Poolparty, möglichst im Sonnenuntergang. Wir machen ein bißchen Feuerwerk, eine Hydra fliegt heran, damit man auf ihren Flügeln tanzen kann. Fertig ist die Geschichte. Viele Grüße ;-)
Post by grandpa4711 on Jul 9, 2016 20:25:03 GMT
Post by silverarrow3 on Jul 10, 2016 8:14:37 GMT
Around what time do we gather for this shooting part 2 ? Because alot of sport to watch today , F1 - Wimbledon - Euro 16 ...
Post by silverarrow3 on Jul 10, 2016 8:15:52 GMT
And another thing , isn't there a teamspeak you guys using or something ?
Post by Rushki on Jul 10, 2016 9:06:48 GMT
The Container part with the Container on the Cargo Bob, we will doing this in the VIP Job "Airfreight"
I have read the description. So we don't need a "Closed Puplic Session" for Crates Buying, but a "Closed Invite Session" for VIP Work etc., am I right?
We're able to pick up a middle/small blue/red container, without Mission or Script. But these Container are able to despawn. So we need a person for guarding these container.
We're in a "Closed Invite Lobby".
Post by Loberine on Jul 10, 2016 12:17:27 GMT
In case someone missed it: Sunday, 10th of July, 16.00 UTC
Post by Rushki on Jul 11, 2016 2:31:19 GMT
Post by grandpa4711 on Jul 14, 2016 22:57:37 GMT
WELL DONE ! HD and headphones recommended. Again thanks to all actors, supporters, helpers! GOOD JOB, CREW !
Post by Rushki on Jul 15, 2016 0:15:51 GMT
Post by grandpa4711 on Jul 15, 2016 6:15:29 GMT
Post by grandpa4711 on Jul 15, 2016 6:17:04 GMT
Post by grandpa4711 on Jul 15, 2016 17:05:47 GMT
To have it really done before the evening now my reminescense and evaluation. Sorry for bad english. We did that very well, both to make sequences for a Crew Trailer and to make a Crew Video again. The third thing - the CEO contest - should not disturb us. But it would be nice to have a video on a permanent Rockstar site with a description of our crew and how we made the video of course. So it was and is worth to communicate it like a winning video attempt. I hope you also liked the Teaser which i uploaded to let the actors and the crew take part on the process of how the video-material is selected and how it is made into a first raw cut. In the final video you see the polished sequences with filters, much more coordinated with the music and the songtext. And they were cut again, some sequences are missing because of the time the other scenes needed.
I was thinking a lot about the question if i should show my name in the intro or in the outro and finally decided to do like i did. When i was ready with editing the necessary scenes to tell the story in complete i had 2,3 seconds of the allowed 5 minutes left. I now could make a screen with the names of the actors like it was planned. Or choose the final Tugboat horn. So i am sorry for this time not to have shown the names of the crewmates who participated. I am not sure if i can motivate myself to do so, but in case i make a video with outtakes i will do it there. I think i should, because there will be many other scenes for a crew-trailer of course.
Post by grandpa4711 on Jul 15, 2016 17:14:31 GMT
To evaluate the process of communicating, planning, recording the video i will need some more time. But i am really really amazed, that it was possible to create a little simple story, and and and and and , and to finally see that story on my screen. And all that while sitting here, not really knowing you - well that's 2016. Thanks for that! Loberine!